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The second of our donations from the money raised at xmas day swim in memory of Sean sands £2000 donated from Hunstanton and district round table to Hunstanton life boat.pictured are the crew members and table members together with our chairman Edward Napolitano presenting the cheque to Robin Rafferty thanks for all your support another great donation to a worthy cause.more donations to follow
Donation to the Air Ambulance
Last night hunstanton Roundtable visited Harleston roundatbles charter night with guest speaker Duncan slater who lost both his legs from a IED in Afghanistan.Duncan took part in walking with the wounded with prince Harry and other wounded service men and woman across the South Pole to raise money for charity.during the evening Over £500 was donated to Duncan for the charity he now helps Disabled motoring uk.
christams swim total and donations
Update on the Christmas day swim total after tonight's meeting we have had £5000 handed in with £1000 if you still have sponsorship money to hand in we would be great full if you could get it to us so we can distribute it out to local charity's thanks again to you all for raising such a great amount of money for charity.Also tonight during our roundtable meeting we agreed to donated £5900 to local good causes.More details of the donations will be released once we have contacted the benefactors to inform them of the great news.
christmas swim 2015
Thank you to all you amazing people for turning up on Xmas day to take part in the hunstanton and district round table swim to raise lots of money for charity.what a fantastic turn out again best one yet 175 swimmers and thousands of spectators. Sean would have been so proud of you all.the swimmers were led in by the area chairman Darren barker. we will keep you up to date with the total raised once we receive all the donations of the fancy dress were the Star Wars team. Individual costume was elvis and special winners for fancy dress was the minions team made up of Seans family and friends who he use to do the swim with every year all the winners donated there prize money back to charity
Merry Christmas to all
2015 Xmas day swim in memory of Sean sands
there is still time to enter this years Christmas Day swim just click on the section above that has charity events on it and then click on Xmas swim it will take you to the page with all the details about the swim and a link to download and print off a sponsor form.
A massive thank you to everyone that came along to our fireworks display on Saturday night. Nearly 6000 people turned out to support us in one of the best displays we have ever had the weather was kind to us and what started out as a raining and windy day slowly turned out to be a clear mild evening perfect for the display.thanks to all of you lots of local good causes will now benefit from donations over the coming months.thanks to all the people that gave up there time to help out and a big thank you to the display team flashpoint fireworks and all the other entertainment on the night including lady's circle. See you all next year unless you fancy a dip in the sea for our next event the Xmas day swim!
EVENING OF INDOOR CURLING!tuesday night was a relaxing evening of indoor curling before the hard task of setting up the cliff top site for Hunstanton's bonfire night on the Saturday 7th November
black light runsome of our table lads along with lads from other tables run the 5k black light run in Norwich this weekend
marquee donationWe are pleased to announce that this evening Hunstanton Round Table donated a new marquee costing £1300 to Stephen Eldridge which will be used for charity golf events and other charity events in the Hunstanton area, to raise money for EAST ANGLIAN CHILDREN'S HOSPICE
EACH are currently a Charity in the public eye due to HRH Duchess of Cambridge and Ed sheeran being patrons. Stephen said "Almost 3 years ago myself and my partner Odette sadly lost our little baby boy to a very rare form of leukaemia which totally broke our world. Fortunately we had an amazing charity guiding us through every step from day 1, including taking us and all our family into their hospice during the most difficult times and all the way through to the present day while we rebuild our lives without Callum. This Charity is East Anglian Children’s Hospices (EACH). The work that EACH carries out is absolutely invaluable at times such as these and it is vital that the support continues so they can continue". HRT and therefore extremely pleased to be able to support such a charity to help them raise important monies for children in our area. Stephen continued, "Every year around the anniversary I run the Callum Eldridge Memorial Golf Day to raise funds for EACH, at Heacham Manor golf club, which together with friends and family donations, we have raised £18,616 to date.(see This year will mark the 3rd Golf Day held at Heacham Manor, and the marquee will help the Golf Club cater for the 100 golfers booked to play. The marquee will be also used for other fundraising events daisy mason body suit donationTonight we donated a Lycra suit to help young daisy mason with her balance and physiotherapy daisy who suffers from Cerebral palsy life will be made much easy by wearing the Lycra suit witch cost £600 per suit. we were so pleased to be able to help daisy such a happy little girl pictured with the round table lads is daisy and her parents and grandmother.
Meet our 5 newest members
Welcoming our 5 newest members to hunstanton round table inducted by AREA 6 chairman Darren Barker.Matt Mallett,Luke Turrell .Rob Brown,scott Davis and Ben Collins .
LATEST DONATIONOn Tuesday night at the sailing club.hunstanton round table along with Sean sands family donated a defibrillator and external case. That will be available to help people that get in to difficulty. Sean's family donated £700 from his funeral collection and round table donated the other £ a tribute to Sean this years Christmas swim will be in memory of Sean. Sean was a big part of our swim and went in every year with his friends and family always making such a great effort in his costumes and raising money for charity. we will be donating part of the money raised this year to the hunstanton life boat and air ambulance.
New members night, Tuesday 7 July 2015MEMBERSHIP NIGHT 2015
![]() Tuesday night saw us have a Olympic style games night and BBQ for anyone interested in joining Hunstanton and district round table.14 potential new member came along to join present tablers for a great night of fun and friendship. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a member of Roundtable and want to make new friends and raise money for local charity then get in touch with us on our web site.facebook page. or Twitter
![]() Would you like to join our brilliant group of 18 to 45 year olds. We are having an open BBQ and games night with an olympic theme at Sedgeford playing field starting at 6:30pm.
Why not come down and meet the members and see what we are all about. We already have ten guests coming so lets have a great evening. Just turn up on the evening, no need to book. Bonfire 2015 to be Hunstantons BIGGEST EVER firework display!!!7th November will see us carrying on from last year with our biggest display, Prices will be the same as last years rates and full details are available on our CHARITY EVENTS here. More details will be added as we get closer to the night about bands and entertainment as we book them. Keep supporting us as you have every year you made it one of our most successful years in raising money for great local good courses with us donating over £6000 to charity.
Chairmans BBQ July 2014A great four days were spent on the broads for the annual Chairmans BBQ weekend. Trips to Yarmouth, Wroxham, Norwich and Potter Heigham were the order of the day along with hours of fishing and no small measure of drinking! Thanks Chris for organising an excellent weekend, made all the better by the 'man overboard' moment. Wonder what Ed has planned for 2015????
CHRISTMAS SWIM 2013 - under 1 month to go!!!!![]() The Christmas day swim is fast approaching............ so
Register now, sort your fancy dress, collect loads of sponsors and meet us on the peer on Christmas Day!!! CLICK HERE FOR FULL DETAILS Hunstanton Fireworks 2013![]() Hunstanton Fireworks
2013 A huge thanks to everyone who braved the weather and came out to support us at this years firework display. Thanks to your support we are able to offer support to worthy causes within the local community. if you, a local group or individual you know could benefit form a piece of equipment, service, or support please contact us. All money raised by Hunstanton Round Table is to support the local community so please tell us where that support is needed! MUNICH ROAD TRIP FOR SCOTTYS LITTLE SOLDIERS 2013![]() £2000 raised for Scotty's
little soldiers thanks to your support.
Click here for full details New Kitchen For Heacham Scout Group![]() Hunstanton Round Table Donate a new kitchen to Heacham Scout group.
Wash Monster Fishing Trip![]() Round Table fishing trip off the Wash Monster at Hunstanton
Kayaking at Hunstanton![]() An evening of Kayaking in the Wash, hosted by Hunstanton Kayaks. Thanks to Edd for
organising the evening. New Trike for Tyler![]() Hunstanton Round Table donates a new Trike to Tyler from Docking.
Click here to read the full story. £500 for Stop-Start Group![]() BAH HUMBUG!!!![]() At the end of the day……. Its time to say Cheerio to Scrooge Leon. At the grand age of 45 you time in Table comes to an end
Click here to read more about Scrooge Leon’s chuck out evening. New Honorary Member - Andrew Bingham![]() Andrew Bingham, famously recognised for having his face printed on the English 20 pound note, has recently been made a honorary member of Hunstanton Round Table. Bingy has helped with numerous fundraising events over the past few years, and as a honorary member will play an active part for future fundraising events.
Thanks to everyone who took part in this years Xmas swim - Please return your sponsor money to Heacham Manor![]() With 154 swimmers entering the water this Christmas, it was a great success! Please gather all outstanding sponsors and hand them into Heacham Manor so we can start donating....... Thanks to all who took part this year, and we look forward to seeing you again next Christmas! The grand total raised his year will be published soon
SCUBA Diving Evening![]() Hunstanton Round table submerged into the deep, with a Discover Scuba session in Norwich. After a quick briefing, tablers entered the water to try out their scuba diving skills. Towards the end of the evening, tablers were able to show off their skills by competing in the evenings challenge!
Hunstanton Round Table and Ladies Circle donate a wreath for remembrance Sunday![]() The chair and vice chair of Hunstanton round table attended the remembrance Sunday service at Snettisham. A wreath, donated by Round Table, was laid on the memorial in Snettisham
Hunstanton Firework Display 2012![]() On behalf of Hunstanton Round Table, could we say a huge thank you to all those people who came along to support us on Saturday Night. We had a fantastic evening and the money raised will now be distributed to good causes in our local community. Please email with any donation requests you may have. Again thanks for your support!
Chairman - Ed Napolitano Vice Chairman - Andrew Bingham Secretary - Matt Hallard Treasurer - Andrew Bingham Dinner & Social - Christopher Stafford W/M Bonfire -Committee/Ed Napolitano W/M Swim - Neil wells Comm Services - Nathan Daly Press and Publicity - Andrew Searle Area Delegate - Gary Waddison International - Kevin Waddison Membership - Michael Jackson Sports - jack O'Donnell Social Media - Joe Bates New members 2015: Ben Collins Luke turrell Matt Mallett Scott Davis Rob brown Honorary's: Paul searle (president) David Daly Ray Stocker